Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dear Hannah

Tonight I had the privilege to stand up and speak to a precious sister in Christ  as she wed the man of her dreams in a beautiful Gospel centered ceremony.These are the words I spoke to her, words I long to live out though more often than I'd like I fail....

Beautiful Hannah.  What a joy it is has been to know you and see where God has brought you.  And what a joy it will be to see where God will take you.  You stand here  a character in your own fairy tale.  The beautiful princess who has waited in the moonlight for her handsome prince…  The prince has come and swept her off his feet. Together they will ride off  and live happily ever after.  Yet this fairy tale moment that you have  waited so long for, is not the peak of your love story.  This mountain top is not as good as it gets-believe it or not, your love will only deepen and grow.  As you stand here with your Paul, drink in the moment,  breathe deep, write these memories upon your heart but leave room, for the story is just beginning.  The story of your marriage, written by the Great Author,   is so much more than a simple fairy tale.  It is a picture of God’s love itself.  And while there is a happily ever after, it doesn’t come from simply walking down this aisle with your prince.  When you walk out those doors, you will indeed be walking to many happy moments, times of joy you can’t imagine, exciting adventures to be had , but there will also be times of heartache, of sorrow and frustrations.  Isaiah 26:3 says “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock” This is my prayer for you Hannah, that you will find perfect peace as you trust in the Lord.  That as you step into the role of wife and all other roles that God’s story for your life brings, that you will be in peace because you trust in the Author of life. Last night as we heard friends share about your love story, it was clear that you and Paul recognize that It is God that is the author of your life and love, that you have endeavored to seek him first.  I pray that you will continue to do so, that you will not try to take over  and  try to write your own story.  I pray also you will not write one another into roles you are not meant to play.  God is your everlasting rock, not Paul, just as God is Paul’s everlasting rock, not you.   Do not put your husband in the role of Christ.   He is your husband,  love him by loving God first.  Respect him and support him by seeking Christ first. Encourage him and listen to him, laugh with him and learn with him, but root these things in the prayer.  Spending time in prayer , spending time humbly at the feet of the Lord, the author of life and love, this is the very best way to love your husband.  This is the way for peace to reign in your life together through all the times of adventure and joy as well as frustration and heartache. Marriage is a great adventure, a beautiful song. It is a story of ups and downs, peaks and valleys, but above all a story and a picture of great love.   When written by God, it is far greater than any fairy tale penned by man.    So as you say your vows, and walk down the aisle to your ‘happily ever after’, abide in the author of your story.  The author of history, the author of the greatest story ever told.  The Author of Love itself.

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