Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trusting Daddy

 Dear Daughters, 

Chances are you won’t remember tonight, but I want you to…

Tonight didn’t go as you planned.  We were heading out to something that you looked forward to.  But it didn’t happen.  The rain poured, time got away, and when your daddy and I looked in your eyes we saw exhaustion.  Knowing the bigger picture, we knew that your plans was not what was best for you.   So your daddy got back in the car, he turned the car around, and he drove.  I had sat in the back with you girls that day so I wasn’t up front with him.  I didn’t know what his plan was.  You didn’t either.  You both took turns asking “where are we going?”  You sounded worried.   At one point one of you said, “I’m cold, tired and confused.”  Your daddy didn’t say much.  I didn’t know where we were going, but  I knew what to say.  I said, “Just trust Daddy”.  It worked for a moment, then the questions came again.  You still wondered where we were going.   I could understand that.   I turned and looked at you said, “Your daddy cares unbelievably much, he works hard to provide and care for you every day.  You can rest in that and just trust your daddy.” 
It was at that moment that a small still voice whispered “Exactly”.  How much more is that the case with my heavenly Father?  Oh sweet daughters, at 31, I am exactly the same way with Him.  There are times when I am cold, tired, confused, and I question where He is taking me.  More times than I would like to admit I struggle to trust Him.  Yet how much more can we trust Him?  The words I spoke of your earthly father are right.  He loves you truly, madly, deep, but he is an imperfect, flawed man.  He has messed up, he will mess up. Even so, you know you can trust him.  At your young ages, you know that you are safe with him and can rest in his love, in his provision.
Daughter, your Heavenly Father has never failed you, and never will.  He has never messed up.  He loves you truer, for He is Truth.  He loves you more madly, for He sacrificed His own Son for you.  He loves you more deeply, for He is the creator of the deepest of deeps and the highest of highs.  So how much more can you trust in Him?  Your earthly daddy saw your need, knew the bigger picture and acted.  Our heavenly Father created us, he knows the needs we don’t even know.  He sees the bigger picture.  He is the bigger picture.  His actions are always good.
I don’t know if you remember, but tonight you ended up at a Frozen Yogurt Place.  We walked in the brightly colored room, and filled up on Triple Chocolate Ice Cream. We laughed and enjoyed a little family time.  We headed home, tidied up a little, and got in bed early.  God doesn’t always lead us to a brightly colored Frozen Yogurt Place.   There isn’t always chocolate ice cream at the end of our our confusion .  But ultimately there is always something better: His Glory, Knowing him better, becoming more like him.    Sweet daughter, HE is ALWAYS better than ice cream.
As the years go on, you will find yourself in this place.  You will find yourself, confused.  You will wonder where the road is going, why things aren’t going as you anticipated.  When you do, I want you to remember tonight.   I want you to remember how your earthly father saw your need, a need you didn’t want to admit you had, and he acted.  I want you to remember that moment when you trusted him and rested in that.  And I want you to remember how much more you can trust and rest in your Heavenly Father who loves you infinitely more than you can grasp.  

Still Learning,

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shannon, how I love your heart and love this blog of yours! It ministers me every time you write. Thank you.
