Friday, February 8, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Bare

Its Friday...which means Five Minute Friday!  The day I play the fun game started by The Gypsy Mama.  She gives a word, and you spend just 5 minutes writing on that word.  Then you share with other travelers in this journey of life.  Check it out or maybe even join in!

Todays Word: Bare


I think the barest we ever are is that moment when we were born.  We entered this world with nothing.  Nothing on,  nothing holding us back.  Bare.  There are no pretenses, expectations, or disguises.  At that moment we were exactly who we are.  We were exposed in every way imaginable.  We let our feelings be known (usually rather loudly), we hold nothing back.  And from that moment on we spend our lives trying to cover up.  We wear clothes (thank goodness), and we begin to build walls of perception around us.  Rarely, if ever, do we ever let our voices cry out with exactly what is in our heart.  We try to cover our hearts, our feelings, our imperfections. Yet at that moment of birth, that moment of true “bare”ness, we were never loved more.  We did nothing to earn it, nothing to deserve it.  Naked in body and heart, we were loved. 


Head on over to for more!