Its been several months since I've written, and so for the few that have commented or questioned I thought I'd report. My computer was sick this summer, it was repaired for a couple weeks in which I spent catching up and preparing for our schoolyear. And then the first week of school just as I was hoping to settle back into writing, it died. Dead, not to be revived, dead. I am so thankful they were able to pull the hard drive off, however it has been sad to bid farewell to my computer where I spent many hours creating, writing, reading, listening to Pandora and yes shopping..:)
So unfortuantely this blog will have to take a back seat until we are able to purchase a new computer. I thank you for reading, thank your for your encouraging words. Its been quite a summer, and the Lord is doing much though I'm still not sure what some of it is, He does. I hope to be able to write and share again. Until then.....